by Siôn Jones | 25 Mar 2015
We are running a 4 day CPCS (A62) crane supervisor course. This course is aimed at those with previous experience in lifting operations. Spaces are limited to a maximum of 4 learners. The aim of this course is to provide candidates with practical and theoretical...
by Siôn Jones | 25 Mar 2015
We are running a 4 day CPCS (A62) crane supervisor course. This course is aimed at those with previous experience in lifting operations. Spaces are limited to a maximum of 4 learners. The aim of this course is to provide candidates with practical and theoretical...
by Siôn Jones | 4 Jan 2015 | General
Here’s the latest update from CPCS to reflect changes due to come to effect this month. This category is being amended to add endorsements against a range of lifting equipment types to cover the increased use of slingers for a wider variety of lifting...
by Siôn Jones | 24 Oct 2012 | General
We are now offering CPCS Mobile Crane testing and NVQ assessment! Here’s Mr.Regola showing how to upright a post safely, using radio communication instead of hand signals. Nicely done!
by Siôn Jones | 20 Jul 2012 | General
The Appointed Person and Crane Supervisor courses went well this week. Thanks to all involved, especially those who travelled all the way from Cornwall, Edinburgh and Jersey! This picture demonstrates some of the many tools in an AP’s (Lift Planner) arsenal. It...
by Siôn Jones | 20 May 2012 | General
Can you spot the AP, Crane Supervisor & Slinger/Signaller in this...