We have a few exciting offers on wheeled excavator tests and courses here at ACOP on our new JCB Hydradig!
If you have the A59A CPCS tracked excavator ticket and have always fancied the A59B ‘rubber duck’ category, then we have a number of options to suit your needs:
- Half day test only (30 mins familiarisation and CPCS test)
- One day refresher (half day training and CPCS test in the afternoon)
- Two or three day courses for intensive training followed by a practical test.
Lifting ops is included with every A59B test – for no additional cost (if requested).
Please get in touch to discuss your individual requirements on 01269 844155.
Hi I’got blue cpcs 180 360 tracked and want to add rubber duck how much and wat do I need to do
Thanks for getting in touch.
I have sent you an email with costs for the wheeled excavator test.
Hi ive been on 360 below and above 17 years been on a few rubberducks now i need rubber duck ticket how much thanks
Thanks for getting in touch.
I’ve sent you a quote for the A59B wheeled excavator CPCS test.
Kind regards,
Hi have had Rubberduck in past but let lapse have 360 10 above below am in Ireland on solas 360 which entitles me to Rubberduck which have been on for last year what would I need to do to put duck on my blue cpcs card please
Kevin, as you already hold a tracked excavator on a CPCS blue card. You would only be required to sit a practical test on the A59B wheeled excavator category, this would then go onto your exiting card (upon achievement). I have sent you some more info via email.
How much for a rubber duck course beginner also tracked all in including vat
Hello I was looking to get do the rubber duck test and lifting ops.will also need to do the touch screen health and safety. I’m a blue card excavator driver above and below 10 tonne already. It will expire around the end of the year.
How much to do the test with you?
Hi Ciaran,
Thanks for the comment.
I’ve sent you an email with more information/ costs on the A59B wheeled excavator test and A59C lifting ops endorsement.
Hope to hear form you soon.
Thanks again,
Hi I’m interested in a wheeled excavator course and lifting ops, I already have tracked excavator blue card. I have funding available to me from react (welsh government funding) and I’d like to know what dates you have a available for this course? And if you would accept React funding thanks
Yes we accept REACT. You can either email the paperwork (form 2) for us to complete or drop it off in person.
If you could send me your CPCS reg. no, I’ll look to see what other categories will compliment your existing.
Thanks again,
Hi interested in doing rubber duck have 360 blue card , how much ?
Hi Chris,
Thanks for getting in touch.
I’ve emailed you some information on the CPCS wheeled excavator test and costs.
As your tracked excavator is on blue, the wheeled excavator will also go to blue upon achievement.
Thanks again,
Used to drive the rubber duck but I’ve only been operating the tracked of recent. How much is it to be fully licensed please.
Iv got my 360 above and below 10 tons and looking to get my rubber duck tkt how much would it be thanks.
Thanks for getting in touch.
I’ve sent an email with more information on our wheeled excavator (rubber duck) CPCS courses and testing options.
Hi Duncan,
Thanks for getting in touch.
I’ve sent you an email with some information on completing the Wheeled 360 Excavator test with us and some familiarisation training options.
Thanks again,
Hi I’ve got my 360/180 above and below blue card what would cost be to add lifting ops and rubber duck please
Hi Neil,
Thanks for getting in touch.
I’ve sent you an email with a few different options for adding the CPCS wheeled excavator & lifting ops, with and without familiarisation training.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks again,
Hi I have a blue 360 tracked ticket and look to get a rubber duck.. can please give me some prices.
Many thanks
Thanks for getting in touch. I’ve sent you some information on options for CPCS test only and also some familiarisation training for the wheeled excavator.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi have blue 360 above 10 tons, want too add duck . how much?
Hi,nide ticket for Rubber Duck wat the prices???
Good morning I am a competent blue card operator 360 above / below 10t , and wanting to put the wheeled category A59B on my blue card please could you tell me prices and duration of training I would need to update my card .thanks
I’m looking for prices for rubber duck training Cpcs wheeled excavator
I have no experience in any excavator
But I have Cpcs all sizes telehandler blue card
Callum, thanks for getting in touch.
I’ve sent you some info on course options for both wheeled and tracked excavators.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi I’ve held my CPCS blue card for 360 excavator tracked above and below 10 tons and I would like to add the A59B to my license as ive had experience on them and really enjoyed working on them and I’ve already got my lifting ops I would like to no how much your corse is for the half day course and the day courses please
Thanks for getting in touch.
We’ve sent you and email with different training options for gaining the CPCS wheeled excavator ticket.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi I have 360 tracked blue cpcs card want to add duck to it can you give me a price and availability thanks Chris
Thanks for getting in touch.
We have sent you costs associated with the CPCS A59B wheeled excavator test.
Thanks again,
Hi ,I’d like to add the rubber duck to my blue card ,how much and where you based please
Hi I am a full time plant op on 360s on large earthworks on and off the railway, I need my rubber duck ticket before I can do the rrv course, how much would this cost cheers
Thanks for getting in touch.
I’ve sent you some costs for the wheeled excavator cpcs test.
We are based in South West Wales, SA14 7NH.
Thanks again,
Hi Jon,
Thanks for getting in touch.
I’ve sent you costs associated with the CPCS wheeled excavator test. We have our own JCB Hydradig for training.
Please get in touch if you’d like to know more.
Thanks again,
As you can see most of the questions here are the same how much does the rubber duct training cost, but that answer never seems to be on websites. Why can you not answer the question here so every one can see and save everybody’s time. For some reason it seems to be top secret.
Hi Paddy,
It’s no secret, but instead depends on engaging with individuals so we can profile them correctly and offer a comprehensive quote. It is purely based on experience, other tickets held, linked categories and the need to add lifting ops.
If you’d like a chat, please give us a call on 01269844155.
Thanks again,
Hi I was wondering how much it would be to sit the practical exam? I already hold a blue card with wheeled excavator on there
Thanks for getting in touch.
We’ve sent you some info on the wheeled excavator CPCS test.
Thanks again,
Hi I have tracked 360 10t above and below with lifting ops blue card. Want to add the rubber duck can I get a price and what is involved in the training please thanks
Hi David
Thanks for getting in touch.
We offer the CPCS A59B Wheeled Excavator Course, and it’s only the practical test that you will need to pass as you’ve already achieved the A59 theory.
The practical test will have similar activities as your tracked test, but machine setup differs somewhat.
The duration of the course will be dependent on your experience.
I’ve sent you an email with some costs.
Training takes place at our Centre in Carmarthenshire.
Thanks again,
Hi I want to add rubber duck to an existing cpcs above 10t blue card how much does it cost and when is the availability to do the course please
Not a problem, we have a JCB hydradig wheeled excavator on site for training.
I’ve sent you an email with a little more info on costs and training options for the CPCS A59B wheeled endorsement.
Thanks again,
Sion (ACOP)
I’m looking to add the rubber duck to my Cpcs card. I’ve never driven one but I have been driving tracked excavators above 10tonne for over 20 years.
Is it possible you could email me some prices on my requirements.
Kind regards
Hi Michael
Thanks for getting in touch.
Do you hold the A59A 360 tracked excavator on your CPCS card already?
If so, then it’s only the Practical test that you need to pass in order to add the Wheeled Excavator to your existing card.
Some of our popular ‘conversion’ courses from tracked to wheeled excavators include a 1 day course with familiarisation in the morning and test in the afternoon OR a 2 day course with familiarisation the first day and tests on day 2.
Also, your CITB HS&E operatives “touchscreen” test must be valid, i.e. completed within the last 2 years, prior to sitting any CPCS tests.
I’ve sent an email with costs.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks again,
I have 360 tracked blue and was wondering how much it would be to add wheeled it’s been a couple of years since I’ve been on a digger
Hi Anthony
Thanks for getting in touch.
If you already hold the A59A Tracked Excavator on your CPCS card, then it’s only the Practical test you will need to achieve to to add the Wheeled Excavator.
We can offer a variety of training options from a morning’s familiarisation with test in the afternoon to a 3 day course, depending on experience/ confidence.
Training takes place at our Centre in West Wales.
Kind regards,
Hi I’m interested in doing a360 rubber duck course. I already have a 360 10 ton above blue card. Could you give me some info what I have to do and cost.Thanks.
Hi Chris
Thanks for getting in touch.
If you already hold the CPCS 360 A59A Tracked Excavator, then it’s only the Practical test that you will need to sit for the Wheeled Excavator.
Do you have any experience on a rubber duck?
We’ve sent you an email with a few different course options and associated cost.
Thanks again,
Hi ive been on 360 below and above 17 years I need Wheeled Excavator. ticket how much thanks
Hi Mehdi
Thanks for getting in touch.
If you already hold the CPCS 360 Tracked Excavator category, then it’s only the Practical test that you will need to pass in order to obtain the wheeled endorsement on your card.
We’ve sent you an email with some training options.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
I what to get rubber duck licence i have tracked 360 above 10
Thanks for getting in touch.
If you already hold the tracked excavator on your CPCS Card, then it’s only the Practical test that you will need to complete for the wheeled endorsement.
A popular option amongst experienced excavator operators involves a morning’s familiarisation with CPCS A59B test in the afternoon
Alternatively, we can offer any number of training days you wish.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Hi just want there, Driving excavators more then of 4 years so looking forward to do Rubber Duck, How much Coast will come to do it.
Thanks in Advance
I have 360 above and below how much to put the wheeled on please
Hi Steven
If you already hold the Tracked Excavator on CPCS, to add the Wheeled Excavator, you will need to pass the practical test only.
We offer a variety of training options to bring you up to speed ON the wheeled excavator. Feel free to give us a call and we’ll discuss further.
Thanks again,
Hi Surya,
Thanks for getting in touch.
You’ve been sent an email with costs and course options for wheeled excavator training and testing.
Thanks again,
Hi team ACOP I have cpcs 360° above/below whizz option lifting up. And now I want the same 360°cpcs above below the same options lifting up but for wheeled excavator. How much cost?
Hi Vasyl
Thanks for getting in touch.
We’ve sent you an email with costs and options for wheeled excavator training and testing.
You won’t have to do another lifting ops if you already have it for the tracked excavator.
Kind regards,
Hi I have a blue cpcs 360 above and below 10 ton with lifting ops and I want to get my rubber duck ticket what are the costs plz
Good morning I am blue card cpcs 360 operator interested in adding a59b category to my card. I have experience on rubber ducks of the older variety. Thanks
Hi Michael
Thanks for getting in touch.
If you already hold the CPCS A59A tracked, then it’s only the practical test that you will need in order to add the A59B wheeled excavator to your card.
We offer a few different familiarisation training options, or, if are experienced on wheeled excavators, you can proceed direct to test!
Please give the office a call on 01269 844155 so we can ensure you get on the right course with the appropriate level of training.
Kind regards,
Hi Simon
Thanks for getting in touch.
If you already hold the 360 Tracked Excavator, then it’s only the practical test that you need to pass in order to add the wheeled endorsement onto your CPCS card..
We are more than happy to include a morning’s familiarisation prior to test and get you into the swing of things with the newer models.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
I have 10 ton and below if I do my 10 ton and above in a tracked digger do I get the wheeled rubber duck aswell or is it different
Hi there I have dumper,roller,360 tracked above and below 10 ton with lifting ops on my cpcs card how much is it to obtain rubber duck and front load haul to my cpcs course cost much appreciated
Hi Glenn,
Thanks for getting in touch.
As you already hold the Tracked Excavator category, then it’s only the Practical test that you will need for the CPCS Wheeled (rubber duck) ticket.
If you would like a morning’s familiarisation before the test, this can also be arranged.
Regarding the wheeled loading shovel, we offer a 5 day course on this. Although if you have experience on the lading shovel, we can look at a shorter course options.
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Hi Owen
Apologies for the delay in replying.
The Wheeled Excavator is a separate test I’m afraid.
If you already hold the above 10 tonne tracked category on you card, then you would need to sit the Practical test in order to add the Wheeled Excavator to your card.
Kind regards,
Ive got my CPCS A59A how much to add A59B onty my ticket i would need trainin as never operated a rubber duck before. And also does a59a cover a 3cx aswell?
Hi Michael
Thanks for getting in touch.
As you already hold the A59A tracked category, then it’s only the A59B Practical Test that you will need to pass in order to add the category to your card. No additional theory test requirement.
I’m afraid the 3cx is a separate category under CPCS (A12) and would require a CPCS technical test (theory and practical).
We offer a 5 day conversion on this machine for experienced 360 ops should you be interested?
We’ve sent you an email with costs.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hello sir I have Cpcs 360 tracked 10 tone above & below blue ticket I want to add rubber duck is how much cost
Tell me what the Procedure as well thanks
Hi I want my wheeled excavator I used to av it on my red cpcs card. I have a blue cpcs with tracked above and below 10t can u send me info
Hi Jonathon,
Thanks for getting in touch
With you holding the 360 tracked endorsement, the Wheeled variant will go straight onto your blue card upon achievement of the CPCS practical test.
We offer a one day conversion course on this, which consists of a morning’s familiarisation training followed by a test in the afternoon. However, if you’d prefer a slightly longer course, we can also accommodate for this. Please give us a call to discuss the different options.
As a prerequisite, you’ll need to have sat the HS&E test in the last 2 years
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks again,
Hi I hold a blue 360 excavator card above and below with lifting ops, I would like to do the duck category, can you please confirm your full cost for the 360 excavator i need to renew and also include the duck.
Thanks Martyn
Hi Martyn,
Thanks for getting in touch.
We run a one day course for the Wheeled Excavator (duck) which consists of a morning familiarisation training followed by a practical test in the afternoon. Longer courses are also available upon request.
To renew your blue card you will need to sit the HS&E test and the RT59 renewal module for the excavator
If you would like to book tor have any further queries please don’t hesitate to contact me on 01269 844155
Thanks again,
Hi there based in Ireland. Have a tracked digger ticket but looking to get some experience on a rubber duck. If you could help me I would be greatful
Hi Conor
Thanks for getting in touch.
As you already hold the Tracked Excavator on a CPCS Card, then it’s only the Practical test you will need to sit in order to add the Wheeled Excavator
As a minimum we can offer a morning’s familiarisation with test or we can offer a more intensive course where requested.
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Hi there, I’ve already got 360 tracked above and below with lifting ops (blue card),how much would it be for the same categories for wheeled excavator please? Cheers Mike.
Hi Mike
Thanks for getting in touch.
Regarding the CPCS Wheeled Excavator, we offer a variety of course options for experienced 360 tracked operators such as yourself.
These can range from a morning’s familiarisation with test in the afternoon to a two/ three day course.
Please give us a call to discuss your requirements on 01269 844155.
Kind regards,