CITB training model to streamline training, traceability and grant claims.

There’s a new CITB training directory, which has been set up for some of the following reasons;

  • Traceability – an online database which allows employers/ individuals to search records to check current skills and manage their training needs. This should also minimise duplication where a learner may have previously received training and have no proof of which.
  • Claims – On successful completion of a course, a CITB Approved Training Organisation (ATO) will confirm the learner’s achievement, upload the details onto the Construction Training Register, triggering the automated grant process for levy registered employers. Thus massively simplifying the claims process.
  • Training – CITB Approved Training Organisations (ATOs) will have the opportunity to advertise training courses enabling employers/ individuals to find the right course at a time and location suitable for them.


More information can be found here.

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