CPCS A34 Crawler – Tractor/Dozer – theory test questions

Here are the theory test questions for A34 Crawler - Tractor/Dozer.

During the theory test you'll be asked a maximum of 40 questions.

Please note that your paper will include all the questions we have marked here with an asterisk *. In addition you will have a random selection of the other questions that are not marked here with an asterisk.

These questions will appear on every A34 paper

When working on a diagonal side hill cut, how should the blade be set? (1 marks)*

List FIVE checks that should be made to the tracks and running gear. (5 marks)*

If setting up to work next to a pedestrianised area, state THREE factors that need to be taken into account. (3 marks)*

Wherever possible, why should the dozer be aligned before making the next pass or cut? (1 marks)*

a) What is the purpose of the track guard or guards and
b) where would they be located? (2 marks)*

a) What effect on dozer operations does making too deep a cut have and
b) what effect does making too shallow a cut have? (2 marks)*

The operator is asked to cut a new trench. State FIVE different requirements that must be considered or implemented before work commences. (5 marks)*

What is a possible effect on the undercarriage when reversing the dozer continually at high speed? (1 marks)*

The operator has been asked to drive the machine onto a transporter/trailer.
a) Who is responsible for the loading operations and
b) state FOUR actions to be considered by the operator before loading commences? (5 marks)*

When backfilling trenches, why should the blade be feathered before reaching the trench? (1 marks)*

If setting up to excavate a slot in a confined area, name TWO things that should be taken into account before starting. (2 marks)*

What is the difference between a tilting blade and an angle blade? (1 marks)*

Why is continual ‘back-blading’ (using the back of the blade to drag material) generally not considered good practice on harsh ground? (1 marks)*

What THREE things should be checked out before carrying out embankment work? (3 marks)*

a) What is meant by blade capacity and
b) how is it determined? (2 marks)*

A random selection of these questions will appear on each A34 paper

Give TWO reasons why, wherever possible, operators should excavate the ground in layers. (2 marks)

During work, the engine starts to overheat.
Explain the danger if someone tries to remove the radiator or expansion tank cap. (2 marks)

a) What determines the minimum distances that any part of plant and machinery has to be kept from over head electricity lines and
b) explain why a distance should be kept. (4 marks)

Cable avoidance tools (CATs) can detect a variety of buried services. What type of material do they have limitations in locating? (2 marks)

What problem may occur if the wearing plates on the blade are at the maximum wear limit? (1 marks)

Why should a dozer be re-fuelled at the end of the day? (1 marks)

What is the nearest distance allowed to gas pipes when excavating with the machine? (3 marks)

What action does ‘counter-rotation’ of the tracks produce? (1 marks)

Many dozers have a turbo-charged engine.
a) What is the normal procedure before switching off the engine after working and
b) what happens if the procedure is not followed? (2 marks)

If checking the oil level using a dipstick, why must gloves be worn? (1 marks)

What is the purpose of a roll or ROPS frame? (2 marks)

Why should different soils be segregated during excavating? (1 marks)

What hazards might arise whilst filling in an excavation with soil? (2 marks)

If the operator has loaded the machine onto a transporter/trailer on behalf of a driver, what checks must be carried out before they leave the cab? (2 marks)

Why do dozers have an undercarriage suspension system? (2 marks)

a) What are the functions of ‘grousers’ or ‘cleats’ as found on track pads and
b) what is the result if they are excessively worn? (2 marks)

Before leaving the cab for a rest break, after parking and switching off the machine, what final action must be carried out? (2 marks)

Why must the seat belt be worn, even with the cab door closed? (2 marks)

If a yellow-coloured marker tape is unearthed during excavating, which TWO types of services could this indicate? (4 marks)

Before removing a blade:
a) how should the blade be positioned (in relation to the ground) before removing the final pin and
b) why? (2 marks)

Describe TWO actions to be taken for an open trench at the end of a working day. (2 marks)

a) How do low ground-pressure units differ from standard-type dozers and
b) where would they be used? (2 marks)

What particular and specific hazards can affect the stability of the machine when working on old industrial (brownfield) sites? (2 marks)

Give TWO reasons why the operator should have an understanding of the type of material being dozed. (2 marks)

In what situation does a hard hat NOT need to be worn when operating a crawler-tractor/dozer? (2 marks)

If a trench has a depth of 2 metres:
a) what is the minimum distance to maintain from the edge of the trench when travelling and
b) explain why? (2 marks)

How does a PAT blade work? (2 marks)

How can tracks be prevented from becoming frozen to the ground during cold weather? (1 marks)

Name TWO types of equipment used to ensure that excavation levels, measurements and positions are to the required specification. (2 marks)

If fitted, what function can the float on the blade allow? (1 marks)

When parking the machine at the end of the shift, name THREE places where the machine should NOT be parked. (3 marks)

The operator has to use a new dozer that they are unfamiliar with. What do Regulations (i.e. PUWER 98) and other guidance require the operator to have? (3 marks)

If the operator has to top-up the hydraulic oil, state TWO precautions to ensure cleanliness of the system. (2 marks)

End of questions for A34 Crawler - Tractor/Dozer

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